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We look back at last years summer...

What a summer it was! We remember a time when the sun was even warmer than now, and there were lots of activities that many joined in 2021. One of the days that became memorable was our "Secret Slide Day!" Check out the video at the bottom of this blogg post to see what that was about :)

Last years summer holiday activities

Aside from that, we had many activities with a wide range. Everything from graffiti, to anime day, to a trip to Sommarland in Bø, and so much more.

Planning of this year's activities are in full motion and we look forward to posting more info soon!

We can also let yoy know that a new Summer Camp is also planned. That is, daily activities with teamfritid, and will be something to look forward to!

Do you want to be one of the first to know when we post more info? Stay tuned to our website, or teamfritid on insta/snap /FB

Fritidsenheten og teamfritid


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